
Friday, November 03, 2006

The Friday Book #5....

Today's book is reviewed by Shadow Schumacher.
It is a wonderful graveyard gothic called
Waiting for Gertrude by Bill Richardson

Anyone who loves cat will LOVE this book. The cat on
the front looks a teeny bit like me, which enhances
the allure; however the story is so much fun.

The place: Le Cimetere Du Pere-Lachaise in Paris
The Cast: Reincarnated famous such as Chopin,
Jim Morrison, Oscar Wilde, Sarah Bernhardt
The plot: well, you will have to see

The reincarnates are the cats who roam the cemetary
and carry on their lives in a new community. The
story is told from the point of view of Alice B Toklas,
the lover of Gertrude Stein in one life and eagerly
awaiting her return in the next life - for Gertrude
is a bit late.

However, the antics of the whole community come
in to play throughout as you will see in Alice's letters.
For those of your interested in cooking (which I am
if Mom every lets me use the kitchen and loans me
a rat) there are several delicious recipes from Alice
such as Ratrat Tartar.

A wonderful story, a delicious cast, a fantastic
plotline, yes you will enjoy the happenings in
Paris' grand graveyard where the famous
meet and mingle after death in several ways.

~Shadow Schumacher


Blogger Shaggy and Scout said...

Sounds like another "good read". Mom spent all weekend trying to re-arrange her bookshelves & decide what to keep & what to donate so she will have more shelf space for more books. We think she just needs to get another bookcase!

10:11 AM


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