
Sunday, October 14, 2007

Mancat Monday and News

Well here I am posing on the mantle (yeah I'm not supposed to) for mancat Monday.

We haf introoders that come by at night. AND Mom leaves food OUT for them. So far, it seems to be a skinny siamese that looks about a year old and 4 black and white kittens that don't look much over weening age. Why they should get our food, I don't know, but Mom says we should not begrudge another some food when we haf so much.

Dorky vermin Rom (see side picture, no he's not dead-he SLEEPS that way) and the evil bun have posted entries for Skeezix's Halloween Costoome Contest.

Mom tried to get Merlin to pose in his dracula cape but he was in a bad mood and said "NO" and ran off.

Merlin is going to give a walk through tour of our new furrefer home when the bookcases get here. Mom said she would help him wif the video camera. We haf our own poop room.

we will put a link to Mom's Ebay store under our cafepress store. SHe doesn't haf the new kitty blankies listed yet and she sold all her 'bean afghans and has to make more, but she is behind 'cause of movin. But there are LOTS of books on there if you want some. And she has made other blankies and stuff for us fluffies. She is currently working on some vermin hammocks too. ~Ko Ko the "Great"

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whatever do you mean you aren't supposed to be on the mantel? Don't they know that the colors of the picture behind you make your meezer eyes stand out wonderfully? They should PAY you to sit on the mantel!

11:33 PM

Blogger Ivan from WMD said...

We're glad you're all settling in. Moving is so traumatic!!

KoKo, the trick about being on the mantel is not knocking stuff off the mantel...like an antique mandolin that then smashed on the hearth, you wouldn't want to do that.

1:30 PM

Blogger Catzee said...

Ooooo! Ya look furry good on the mantel!

7:56 PM

Blogger Cisje said...

You look beautiful on the mantle! And we hope that the Siamese Cat and her kitties can move in with you, wouldn't that be good?

We love the rattie picture as well. Halloween is a real good thing for rat's, isn't it? We can all pretend that we are REALLY scary creatures and all (hehe)!

Love from The Rat's Inn!

3:35 AM

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