Mancat Monday
of fuzzy black manlyness......
Wha??? MOM
don't do that! Sneaking up on guy like that
you could give me a heartattack.
We have posted our Halloween products
for purchase if anyone is interested on
Cafepress. Just follow the link on the
side. " Merlin
Great photo! Humans do like to sneak up on us, don't they? Silly humans.
2:54 AM
Ohhhh Halloween stuff... already? hey you can never be too early! Merlin what a lovely song and mom's should know better. They could get attacked too. Purrs and Happy Monday!
6:22 AM
Aww...Merlin..You are so handsome and big and black..*sigh* No wonder you are looking in that mirror! I would look all day at myself if I were as pretty as you.;)
The Mom from Rats Inn
7:03 AM
Is it that time already?1
9:04 AM
great photo - furry manly!!
9:26 AM
Manly through and through! I hate when they sneak up on me.
12:27 PM
Yup, no question you are a handsome boy!!
1:54 PM
Oh yeah! You are ultra handsome!
3:13 PM
Very manly pose Merlin! And it's a bummer when Mom's take your picture when you are not prepared.
Hi 5 paw,
9:24 PM
Haha great picture! Your manliness shines through!
9:49 PM
Very handsome!
10:00 AM
Yes yoo are hansum, but it's embarassing when the Beans sneak up on yoo like that isn't it.
5:31 PM
You are very very handsome. I love looking at my handsomeness in the mirror too!
6:38 PM
Oh my but you are handsome...both you and your reflection in the mirror.
6:51 PM
Great photo you look very handsome Merlin.
6:05 AM
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