
Thursday, November 15, 2007

Shadow's Thursday 13 Sleeping Cats Facts

1. You can tell the temperature in the house by the way a cat is sleeping.
2. A sprawled out cat is both safe feeling and warm.
3. A loaf sitting cat may be keeping its paws warm from cool air.
4. A curled up cat is enjoying temps in the 70s.
5. A curled up cat covering its nose is enjoying temps in the 60s.
6. A curled up cat with its nose tucked in is probably experiencing temps in the 50s.
7. A tightly curled cat with much of its head tucked in is cold.
8. A cat under the covers is quite toasty.
9. A cat snuggled up on a 'bean is often quite warm.
10. A panting cat is HOT.
11. A cat sitting by a fire is warm and careful.
12. A cat taking a 'bean spot after the 'bean stands up is taking advantage of leftover warmth.
13. A shivering cat should be snuggled and loved to warm it up.


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Blogger Daisy said...

That's an interesting list! I never knew we were such good thermometers.

11:38 AM

Blogger Cisje said...

I didn't all this! These are interesting facts indeed.

Hugs to Shadow from Mom from The Rats Inn

12:16 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. That's an excellent observation!

12:27 PM

Blogger LZ said...

I do have one question, I like to tuck my head under Latte when we're circled in the bed right under the blowy air thing. I think I'm just cold blooded.


12:56 PM

Blogger Karen Jo said...

That is a very interesting TT. Congratulations to Ko Ko for being on the cover of the new We Are the Kitties book. I haven't been by in ages. I'm glad you are all moved in to your new house.

4:40 PM

Blogger Just Ducky said...

Good TT. We kitties can tell you how hot or cold we are.

8:08 PM

Blogger Zinger said...

and that's one content little kitty :-)

12:22 AM

Blogger Ivan from WMD said...

That's a great list!

8:50 PM

Blogger DK & The Fluffies said...

When DKM gets home there better be a fire waiting!

6:41 PM

Blogger The Crew said...

Mom keeps it so cold in here. That's why I sleep under a blanket every chance I get.


9:27 AM

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